Meet the Robinsons (1986) Movie Details

Meet the Robinsons (G)
Stephen J. Anderson , Thomas Baker , Rick Moore , Merrick Rustia
Walt Disney Pictures , Walt Disney Animation Studios
1 hr 35 mins

Meet the Robinsons Movie Cast

Tom Selleck
as Cornelius Robinson (voice)
Laurie Metcalf
as Lucille Krunklehorn (voice)
Angela Bassett
as Mildred (voice)
Nicole Sullivan
as Franny (voice)
Harland Williams
as Carl (voice)
Daniel Hansen
as Lewis (voice)
Jordan Fry
as Lewis (voice)
Matthew Josten
as Michael 'Goob' Yagoobian (voice)
John H. H. Ford
John H. H. Ford as Mr. Harrington (voice)
Dara McGarry
Dara McGarry as Mrs. Harrington / Receptionist (voice)
as Mr. Willerstein (voice)
Don Hall
as Coach / Gaston (voice)
Paul Butcher
as Stanley (voice)
Tracey Miller-Zarneke
Tracey Miller-Zarneke as Lizzy (voice)
Wesley Singerman
as Wilbur (voice)
Jessie Flower
as Young Franny (voice)
Stephen J. Anderson
as Bowler Hat Guy / Grandpa Bud / Tallulah (voice)
Ethan Sandler
as Doris / CEO / Spike / Dmitri / Laszlo / Fritz / Petunia (voice)
Nathan Greno
as Lefty (voice)
Kelly Hoover
Kelly Hoover as Aunt Billie (voice)
Adam West
as Uncle Art (voice)
Aurian Redson
Aurian Redson as Frankie (voice)
Joseph Mateo
Joseph Mateo as T-Rex (voice)
Joe Whyte
as Reporter (voice)

Meet the Robinsons Crew List

Director :
Screenplay : Michelle Bochner
Producer : Dorothy McKim
Animation : Tim Allen
Layout : Thomas Baker
Lighting Artist : Michael Leung
Compositors : Dan Haring
Lighting Manager : Justin Hammond
Layout : Rick Moore
Digital Effects Supervisor : Leonard Robledo , Marlon West
Other : Matsune Suzuki
Layout : Merrick Rustia
Visual Development : Rick Maki
Lighting Artist : Roger Huynh
Compositors : Roger Huynh
Screenplay : Aurian Redson
Animation :

Meet the Robinsons International Release Dates

Country Released Date
United States 28-03-2007
India 01-01-1986
India 28-03-2007

Meet the Robinsons Film Songs

Meet the Robinsons Songs are not available at this moment. You can add it using the "Add Missing Songs" button above

Meet the Robinsons Overview

Príbeh geniálneho chlapca so záľubou v šikovných technických vychytávkach a obrovskú túžbou nájsť rodinu, ktorú nikdy nemal možnosť spoznať. Jeho nezdolnej hľadanie ho jedného dňa zavedie na miesto, ktoré by si nedokázal predstaviť ani v najdivokejších snoch - do budúcnosti, kde už termín "nemožné" dávno zmizol zo slovníka. Keď sa Lewis stretne s podivným cudzincom menom Wilbur Robinson, čaká ho nielen fantastická cesta časopriestorom, ale aj stretnutie s rodinou Robinsonových, ktorá mu pomôže objaviť celú radu úžasných tajomstvo o jeho vlastných neobmedzených schopnostiach. Neskutočný výlet ho ale tiež privedie do konfliktu s ničomníkom, ktorá robí zlu zlé meno: neschopným Bowler Hat Guyom, ktoré Lewisa pripraví o jedinú možnosť, ako sa vrátiť domov. Film Robinsonovi, ktorý je plný nezabudnuteľných postáv, chytrých vynálezov, klasických zloduchov a dych vyrážajúcich bláznovstiev, rozpráva príbeh o viere v rodinu, seba samého a nádejnú budúcnosť.

Meet the Robinsons

Meet the Robinsons is a 1986 English Film stars Tom Selleck , Stephen J. Anderson , Michelle Bochner , Dorothy McKim , Laurie Metcalf , Angela Bassett , Nicole Sullivan , Harland Williams , Daniel Hansen , Jordan Fry , Matthew Josten , John H. H. Ford , Dara McGarry , , Don Hall , Paul Butcher , Tracey Miller-Zarneke , Wesley Singerman , Jessie Flower , Stephen J. Anderson , Ethan Sandler , Nathan Greno , Kelly Hoover , Adam West , Aurian Redson , Joseph Mateo , Joe Whyte , Tim Allen , Thomas Baker , Michael Leung , Dan Haring , Justin Hammond , Rick Moore , Leonard Robledo , Marlon West , Matsune Suzuki , Merrick Rustia , Rick Maki , Roger Huynh , Roger Huynh , Aurian Redson , , directed by Merrick Rustia & music by .