Vishnu Vishal is an Indian film actor. He has appeared in the popular Tamil film, Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu. Since he has gone on to sign for two other Tamil films.
Singer Vishnu Vishal Songs List
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 Songs
Mashook Rahman
Music Director:
Ashwath Naganathan
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 Songs
Popular Vishnu Vishal Movies
Singer Vishnu Vishal Biography
Vishnu Vishal Fans Reviews (26)
Yamini, on 12-02-2020
prabu, Chennai on 18-01-2017
gomathi, madurai on 18-07-2016
krisha, on 12-07-2016
rupa, vellore on 12-06-2016
priya, bangalore on 11-06-2016
Deevea Darshini, Malaysia on 10-06-2016
Josphine, bangalore on 02-06-2016
sruthi, trichy on 20-04-2016
8675058681, Madurai on 18-08-2015
nivedha , chennai on 28-06-2015
chandru, villupuram on 02-06-2015
jayanthi, on 20-12-2014
mani, erode on 24-11-2014
rohan mv, trivandrumpazhyaroad medical c on 07-10-2014
subha.s, on 27-04-2014
Vanitha, Tiruchendur on 22-03-2014
ananthi, tirunelveli on 04-03-2014
josphine, bacngalore on 19-12-2013
Vanitha, Tiruchendur on 30-10-2013